(808) 388-7648


It's All About Self Love

ts February. This month brings a mixed bag of emotions. For some, it brings excitement, for others dread. This is a busy month for therapists. Peop...

Child's Pose

Child's Pose (Balasana) Benefits Stretches hips, thighs, ankles back Calms the brain and helps relieve stress Can help to relieve back and neck p...

Self Care

This quote says it best…L.R. Knost — 'Taking care of yourself doesn't mean me first, it means me too. This is so crucial. It is so important that w...

Rag Doll Pose

Rag Doll Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) Benefits: Calms the brain and helps to reduce stress and anxiety Lengthens the hamstrings, calves, hi...


“The secret to having it all, is believing you already do.”  We spend way too much time focusing on what we do not have. Take a moment every day an...

Holidays are Coming!

The Holidays are coming! Happy couples and families often have one thing in common…they create traditions or rituals. Each couple creates something...

Where Attention Goes Engery Flows

Attention is experience!  This little piece of advice is good for relationships and life in general.  Where we place our attention will determine t...

Extended Puppy Pose

Benefits of Extended Puppy Pose Lengthens the spine Calms the mind Start in Table Top on your hands and knees.  Keep the hips high and walk the...

Yoga Cat-Cow Benefits

Warms up the spine Strengthen and Stretches the spine, back, neck, hips and abdomen muslcles Relieves back pain Massages and stimulates the kidne...


When communicating, the most important thing that often gets overlooked is: TIMING. It is best to choose a time where you are both ready to talk. A...

Yoga for Overall Wellbeing

Yoga Caution Not all exercise is suitable for everyone and this or any exercise could result in injury. Consult your doctor before beginning any ex...

Relaxing Sounds for Sleep