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Holidays are Coming!

The Holidays are coming! Happy couples and families often have one thing in common…they create traditions or rituals. Each couple creates something special for them that they do each year, even each day. This ritual or tradition brings a positive experience for the family to look forward to. It makes your family your own. These traditions can be passed from your families of origin or you can create a whole new one. For instance, some rituals include: making a new Christmas ornament each year, writing resolutions or new years goals together, going around the table at thanksgiving and expressing what we are grateful for. My husband and I have a bowl in our kitchen and we write a little note with a date when anything positive or happy happens to us. On New Year's Eve, we review all the notes. It is like reliving the happiest parts of the year. Traditions and rituals bring us closer. I encourage you to create something for your own family! Here is to the creation of something positive and wonderful for you and yours!